Our company works day by day to offer a quality product and recognized in the market. The proof of this is that multiple webs and architecture studios recognize our work.
One of the most prominent websites is www.compramuebles.es which recommends us as a leading manufacturer in the panorama of the sofa sector in Spain.
See our featured page at Compramuebles.es: TAPIZADOS GABE RECOMMENDED BY COMPRAMUEBLES.ES
Gabe Tapizados en FMZ 2018
Visit us and get to know our latest news that we are going to exhibit at the Zaragoza Furniture Fair in its 2018 edition.
Specifically, we will present our new models of upholstered sofas in Hall 8 (main) – Stand F-G / 9-12.
You already know that you are invited, do not miss it, we will surprise you.
The Gabe Tapizados team.
Nos vemos en NORMUEBLE 2017 …
Gabe Tapizados participará en la 7ª edición de la Feria del Mueble de Gijón, cita de referencia para los profesionales del sector.
Éste nuevo certamen, que se celebrará de nuevo en las instalaciones de Recinto Ferial Luis Adaro del 27 al 30 de Abril de 2017, se ha convertido en referencia del sector y reunirá a las principales marcas del mercado.
Gabe Tapizados en Normueble 2017
En su 7ª edición de la Feria de Gijón los profesionales que componemos GABE TAPIZADOS estaremos presentes con las novedades y modelos más innovadores del mercado, acercando los nuevos diseños y funcionalidades de sus sofás tapizados a todos los visitantes de la feria.
Este salón, consolidado por la exitosa edición de 2015 en la que ya estuvimos presente, está siendo avalado y respaldado por los profesionales del sector y se sigue erigiendo como el marco idóneo para el lanzamiento de novedades, tendencias e innovaciones del mercado.
Nos vemos en Gijón…
Un saludo desde GABE TAPIZADOS.
In these special dates we want to express to all our customers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and to tell them that you are our greatest motivation to continue improving and striving day by day, to achieve your absolute satisfaction with our products and services. Thank you very much for your confidence and preference and once again, have a beautiful holiday.
See you in ZARAGOZA…
Gabe Tapizados will participate in the 5th edition of the Furniture Fair Zaragoza quote reference for professionals.
This new event to be held again at the facilities of Feria de Zaragoza from 20 to 23 January 2016, has become the industry benchmark and bring together leading brands.
In its 5th edition of the Furniture Fair has set the date of execution from 20 to 23 January 2016, and on such dates professionals who make GABE TAPIZADOS be present with news and market innovative models, bringing new designs and features sofas upholstered all fairgoers.
This room, funded by the successful edition of 2014 where we were already present, is being endorsed and supported by professionals and is still emerging as the stage for the launch of new products, trends and innovations in the market.
See you at Zaragoza ….
Greetings from GABE TAPIZADOS.
Nuevo camión Expositor Gabe Tapizados
Introducing our new exhibitor truck, equipped with the latest technology and designed for the convenience of our customers.
Gabe Tapizados seleccionada para participar en el proyecto Turismo Industrial Provincia de Sevilla
We are pleased to announce that we have been selected to participate in the Industrial Tourism Project of the Province of Seville, organized by the Council of Seville .
The project aims to combine two economic sectors of great importance for our area such as industry and tourism.
In this pilot , appreciate your trust in our company and will provide the best service possible for this project to work and be useful to our province.
From next January 31 to February 3 , GABE TAPIZADOS , will be in Normueble 2015 Furniture Fair in Gijón (Asturias ) , presenting the latest developments .
I hope everyone in Hall No. 5 .
See you in Gijón !!
Gabe Tapizados en Normueble 2015